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Holy Week is Here

Holy Week in the Benefice got underway with a Palm Sunday service but with a big difference this year. For a start the service was held at St John’s Church at Cockayne Hatley, the first time as far as we are aware. Usually, it is at St Mary’s but this year, the Rector, the Rev Alex Wheatley decided on a new plan which made it a service with a totally new approach to the usual pattern. It started with the congregation and choir, halfway down the approach road to the church, forming and acting as the original Palm Sunday “rabble” who welcomed Jesus into Jerusalem. As they approached the church, cries of support for Jesus could be heard eventually as it got nearer, the choir led the singing with the well known hymn “All Glory, Laud and Honour”. Once in church, the service followed a usual pattern for Holy Communion, but with the bible readings and prayers more appropriate for the Easter period. A really lovely service and it with a great start out in the beautiful fresh, Spring morning air. The rest of the Holy Week services, are listed at the end of this column, with the final service on Easter Day, next Sunday, which will include an Easter Egg Hunt for the children.

Just a reminder, there is no First Steps for babies and toddlers this Friday, March 15th, but they will return to the church hall on Friday 22nd. Contact number for further details from Sandy,

01767 260430.

Churchwarden and PCC Secretary, David Tall, has sent a big thank you to everybody who made and bought the beautiful items for and from Judith's Easter Stall. Judith Barker was our late church organist, but every Easter she would bring in a collection of Easter items to buy, all hand made by herself, so this year we have re-instated her stall and others from the congregation have made a whole range of small items for it. Sadly, Judith died nearly 3 years ago and she is greatly missed.

Your generosity so far raised £71.30 for the Tower Repair Fund.

St Mary's Annual Church Meeting (APCM) and the Parishioners' Meeting to elect our Churchwardens for the coming year, will be held on Sunday 8th May after the morning service. All those on the Church Electoral Roll, are invited to attend and vote on items on the agenda.

Holy Week Services All services at St Mary’s Church unless shown otherwise

11, 12, 13 April 7pm: Compline (All on Zoom)

14 April: Maundy Thursday 7:30pm: Holy Communion followed by The Watch

15 April: Good Friday 12pm: Hour by the Cross (Sutton) 1pm: Hour by the Cross (Potton)

2pm: Hour by the Cross (Cockayne Hatley & Zoom )

17 April: Easter Day 9am: Holy Communion (Sutton)

10:30am: Holy Communion (Potton) with Children’s Easter Egg Hunt!

Zoom Code for all Services using Zoom: 815 0338 3687

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