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A Great Weekend in spite of the RAIN!!


What a great weekend we had in both Potton and St Mary’s Church. We have to congratulate all the organisers, except the one who was responsible for the weather! The big day, Saturday, was enjoyed by many at the various locations around the town but you didn’t have to mind getting a bit wet! It was light drizzle falling at 9.30am when our Town Crier made the Proclamation on the Market Square, but even his loud voice did not frighten away the rain, and it was to get worse! By late morning it was getting much heavier but at this time St Mary’s Bells were ringing out across the town so may have been of more interest at the time, than the rain was, but more was to come. The main Potton Town Council arranged event on the Mill Lane playing field was eventually washed out and had to be abandoned so the evening musical events and the lighting of our Beacon did not take place. It was a real shame as there was a lot of hard work setting the event up, was lost because of the rain. Earlier, at that same venue, a good crowd gathered around the large screen display to watch all the happenings in London, obviously ignoring the worsening rain situation, but enjoying also the facilities laid on for the whole day. The hog roast from Clayton’s Butchers and the bar, provided as always by Party on Potton, were extremely well patronised which helped with the morale of everyone on that soggy field!

Earlier, St Mary’s Church opened their door’s and a good crowd of people came in obviously deciding not to get soaked, and enjoyed watching in a warm, dry church, in relative comfort. At the end of the Coronation events in London, everyone present was served with Prosecco and cake and enjoyed further, the shelter of the dry church. The church bells were once more ringing out across the town for everyone to hear, at this time. Well done the bellringers for letting us hear the sound of those melodious bells during different times of the morning’s procedures.

All in all, a good day but for the rain, it was just like June 2nd 1953 all over again, but without a Queen Salote waving from an open carriage in the London procession!

The Sunday service this week in St Mary’s was our children’s favourite, the Friends and Family all age service. Unfortunately, we were rather down in numbers at this week’s service, maybe people had gone away for a few days as after all it was also a Bank Holiday weekend. But those who did come, they enjoyed the theme of Promises and giving us their ideas on what this really means. Several quotes by Jesus were mentioned and they were some of his promises to the people of the world that he made and still upholds, all these years later.

Christian Aid Week, 14—20 May 2023. The service next Sunday will be Holy Communion with the Rector, the Revd Alex Wheatley. As this is the start of Christian Aid Week, this is our week when we join in with the rest of the world to raise money for the needy and is a wonderful International Development Charity determined to end the injustice of poverty. The service will be followed immediately after with a Fundraiser Lunch for Christian Aid in St. Marys Hall. If you can, please sign up on the sign up sheet in church so we can estimate numbers, or call Rosemary on 01767 261206. Please bring a donation equivalent to that which you might pay for one of our themed evening's, or what you feel you can give.

Bell Sunday. May 14th is also Bell Sunday. This is an event for all churches who have bells, to invite anyone in who wants a closer look at the bells, or even have a try to see how difficult it is, or not! Our Bell Tower will be open from 2pm till 4pm and members of the public will be given a warm welcome and will certainly be given a try should they wish. There is no charge but we do have a food donation box for our support to the Preen Food Bank.

Services for Next Sunday 14th May, Easter 6

9am, All Saints Church, Sutton, Service of the Word

9am St John’s Church, Cockayne Hatley, Holy Communion

10.30am St Mary’s Church, Potton. Holy Communion

7pm, St Mary’s Church, Potton, NightLight. Theme this month: Global Village. Contact: For Zoom Link

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