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Our "Half Way There" Mission Week

What an absolutely amazing week we have just had at St Mary’s! Earlier in the week, our Mission “Half Way There” commenced with a series of events every day, led by our Mission Team and Bishop Richard of Bedford. The purpose of the mission was to help people decide if they were sure about being a Christion, or maybe just half way there but needing a little help making that final decision. Many of the events were to show how Christianity works as well as being enjoyable and entertaining. The penultimate event of the mission was a Harvest Dinner on Saturday evening. This was almost a sell out and all those who came enjoyed a traditional roast dinner entirely free of charge. All round an enjoyable evening to round off an enjoyable week of events.

On Sunday morning, the very last event of the Mission Week was the Confirmation Service led by Bishop Richard and the Rev Gill Smith. Sixteen candidates including several children received a Confirmation Prayer and Blessing from the Bishop and received a special candle and a certificate of Confirmation during the service. The candidates then took their first Holy Communion followed by the rest of the congregation whilst the choir sang two anthems. A very moving ceremony for all concerned. Afterwards, tea, coffee and a delicious range of home made cakes were served to all in the church hall.

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